2013年的动作喜剧《厨子戏子痞子》,有刘烨、张涵予和黄渤,是最稀有的金马奖三影帝级作品。 而且,导演管虎提名过金马奖最佳导演,2012年获得过最佳改编剧本奖;女主角梁静,即导演管虎的老婆,2012年获得过金马奖最佳女配角奖。 所以,这部风格另类的抗日题材影片《厨子戏子痞子...
For those who prefer a more curated experience, some independent film communities and nonprofit organizations also provide free access to a selection of English movies, often with a focus on promoting diverse and lesser-known films. These platforms not only offer entertainment but also contribute to the cultural enrichment of their audiences.