Set during the Tang Dynasty, the film centers around a young man named Li Mi. In order to fulfill his father's dying wish, Li Mi sets out on a treacherous journey to deliver an important message to the governor of Longxi. Joined by a colorful cast of characters, each with their unique backstories and motives, they face numerous obstacles such as bandits, harsh weather, and political intrigue.
2024年已经过(✂)(guò )去了三个月,电影市场迎来了一波又一(yī )波的新作品,让人目不暇接。在这段时间里,有许(🐫)多影片脱颖而出,取得了不(🥠)(bú )俗的票房成(chéng )绩。让我们一起来看一下2024年(🈺)目前的(🈸)电影票(piào )房排名。